Other Free Tools screenshot - Take Screenshots v1.2

screenshot - Take Screenshots v1.2 2024-07-16

Download screenshot for Windows x86 (42 KB)
Download screenshot for Windows x64 (46 KB)
Download screenshot for Windows ARM64 (50 KB)

screenshot is standalone free Snipping Tools for Windows.


Run, drag the mouse to select the area you want to capture, and then double-click anywhere to save the screenshot to the clipboard.


Esc  Exit

Double click or

Take a screenshot if select any region
Move the sniping area up by 5 pixel
1 pixel if Ctrl is pressed
Move the sniping area down by 5 pixel
1 pixel if Ctrl is pressed
Move the sniping area left by 5 pixel
1 pixel if Ctrl is pressed
Move the sniping area right by 5 pixel
1 pixel if Ctrl is pressed


Version 1.2 2024-07-16
  Added options: General, Style, Hotkeys and About
  Added start Screenshot with Windows
  Added show Screenshot in the system tray
  Added open the capture in your preferred image editor
  Added change border width
  Added hotkey of snip
  Added hotkey of options
  Improved allows to select a new area as long as the capture has not been validated
  Improved speed down moving from 5 pixels to 1 pixel when Ctrl key is pressed

Version 1.1 2024-04-18
  Added appear in the system tray area
  Fixed the high DPI issues

Version 1.0 2024-04-15
  First release